
Although its tempting, there is absolutely no excuse for just enjoying the many delicious local wines and culinary dishes.
The unspoilt natural surroundings and clean air, is well suited for all kind of outdoor activities.
Cycling (especially mountain-biking) is very enjoyable in the area around Friuli.

Long stretches of sometimes very steep mountain road with very little traffic, is an enjoyable challenge for the more experienced mountain biker, but there is also many beautiful flat stretches of road.
Biking is actually one of the best ways of experiencing the nature here – giving you the opportunity to truly appreciate the sounds of the rich birdlife and the many different smells from flowers and trees.
Paragliders from all over Europe also come here.

In less than an hour, you can find at least 10 really good take-off points – giving you the chance to paraglide no matter what the wind direction is that day.
One of the best take-off points is right above Nimis.
Also close by, you will find 3 different rivers, where you can go swimming – very refreshing on a really hot summer day.
Italians love walking.
All the “Tabbachi’s” (tobacco shops) sell maps with different routes for walking and the area offers walks at all levels. Horseback riding in the Nimis area, is also very popular.
Mountain climbing…
During the wintertime, a 20 minute drive north, will get you to numerous good ski resorts.